
Techno-economic Assessment of net-metering MV Prosumers

This repo contains data and code that has been used for the publication "Methodology for the Techno-economic Assessment of Medium-Voltage Photovoltaic Prosumers Under Net-Metering Policy" submitted @ IEEE Access. (The full reference should be added in close future.) This work is an extension of the paper "Viability Assessment of PV Systems in University Campuses Under the Net-Metering Policy" that has been presented in the 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC).

Data_files: contains demand (residential, commercial and campus) and PV generation files in .mat format.
DSS_files: contains a modified version of the 33-bus benchmark distribution network in Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) software format (.dss).
M Files: contains the implementations of the techno-economic assessment procedure and the voltage regulation strategies (.m).
The repo is free for download. Please be kind enough to cite the corresponding paper or URL.

Impact Assessment Framework of PV-BES Systems to Active Distribution Networks

This repo contains data and code that has been used for the publication "Impact Assessment framework of PV-BES systems to active distribution networks" submitted @ IET RPG. (The full reference should be added in close future.) This work is an extension of the paper "Impact Assessment framework of PV-BES systems to active distribution networks" that has been presented in MDEPOWER2020\.

Data_files: contains demand and PV generation files in .mat format.
DSS_files: contains a version of a low-voltage network in Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) software format (.dss).
M Files: contains the implementation of the examined network operating scenarios.
The repo is free for download. Please be kind enough to cite the corresponding paper or URL.

Wide-area benchmark test systems for the study of dynamics in smart distribution networks

This repo contains information and data regarding the test systems, as well as the corresponding NEPLAN files, that have been implemented to obtain dynamic responses from a combined transmission and distribution network

Cigre European HV transmission_control_DyAn: European HV transmission benchmark network implementation in NEPLAN software format.
Cigre European HV transmission_Lelystad_active: HV and MV (passive) network implementation in NEPLAN software format.
Cigre European HV transmission_Lelystad_passive: HV and MV (with distributed generation) network implementation in NEPLAN software format.